Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author(s): Carroll, Lewis, Jansson, Tove,
Binding: Hardback,
Date of Publication: 11/03/2011,
Pagination: 112 pages, 50 Illustrations, black and white; 12 Illustrations, color,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Tate Publishing,
Published By: Tate Publishing,
Book Classification: Fiction & related items,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781854379573
Binding: Hardback,
Date of Publication: 11/03/2011,
Pagination: 112 pages, 50 Illustrations, black and white; 12 Illustrations, color,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Tate Publishing,
Published By: Tate Publishing,
Book Classification: Fiction & related items,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781854379573