Pogba (Ultimate Football Heroes - the No. 1 football series)
The No.1 football series - over 1 million copies sold! 'It's time to shine,' Paul said to himself as he walked out of the tunnel and onto to the Old Trafford pitch.' Pogba tells the exciting story of how French wonder-kid Paul Pogba became Europe's best young player, and finally fulfilled his dream of returning to his boyhood club Manchester United in a world-record transfer. The sky is the limit for United's new star. Have you read them all?
Author(s): Oldfield, Matt & Tom,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 10/08/2017,
Pagination: 176 pages,
Series: Ultimate Football Heroes,
Imprint: John Blake Publishing Ltd,
Published By: John Blake Publishing Ltd,
Book Classification: Children's, young adult & educational,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781786068033