Indestructibles: Old MacDonald Had a Farm : Chew Proof * Rip Proof * Nontoxic * 100% Washable (Book for Babies, Newborn Books, Safe to Chew)
Old MacDonald Had a Farm is the E-I-E-I-Oh! classic that introduces baby to the world of farm animals and the different ways each has of talking - the pig with his oink-oink, the cow with her moo-moo, and the baa-baas, cluck-clucks and quack-quacks that fill the farmyard.
They're called Indestructibles. They could just as well be called the unstoppables! As in they don't stop selling, don't stop pleasing, and don't stop filling an essential need for new parents: a book made for the way babies "read," with their hands and mouths. And now this bestselling series - which ships over 1 million copies every year - is welcoming two new titles based on two of the most popular songs that parents love to sing along with their youngest.
Author(s): Kragulj, Vanja, Pixton, Amy,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 17/11/2022,
Pagination: 12 pages, full-color illustations throughout,
Series: Indestructibles,
Imprint: Workman Publishing,
Published By: Workman Publishing,
Book Classification: Children's, young adult & educational,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781523517732