Rainbow Magic: Sara the Party Games Fairy : The Birthday Party Fairies Book 2
No one knows how to throw a party like the Birthday Party Fairies! Join Rachel, Kirsty, Gracie and Khadijah on a magical birthday adventure. With the big celebration looming, can the fairy friends help Sara the Party Games Fairy to get her missing magical object back?The four friends have managed to get Niamh the Invitation Fairy's magical item back but now Sara the Party Games Fairy's object has gone missing! All birthday parties will be boring without fun games and guests might leave! The gang must help Sara to come up with new games before the big celebration or the party will be ruined!
Author(s): Meadows, Daisy,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 11/05/2023,
Pagination: 80 pages,
Series: Rainbow Magic,
Imprint: Orchard Books,
Published By: Hachette Children's Group,
Book Classification: For National Curriculum Key Stage 1,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781408369470