The Werewolf of Fever Swamp
They're baa-ack! Make way for the bestselling children's series of all time! With a fresh new look, GOOSEBUMPS is set to scare a whole new generation of kids. So reader beware--you're in for a scare! There is something weird happening in Fever Swamp. Something really horrible.
It started with the strange howling at night. Then there was the dead rabbit. Everyone thinks Grady's new dog is responsible.
After all, he looks just like a wolf. And he seems a little on the wild side. But Grady knows his dog is just a regular old dog.
And most dogs don't howl at the moon. Or disappear at midnight. Or change into terrifying creatures when the moon is full.
Or do they?
Author(s): Stine, R.L.,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 05/03/2015,
Pagination: 160 pages,
Series: Goosebumps,
Imprint: Scholastic,
Published By: Scholastic,
Book Classification: Children's, young adult & educational,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781407157528