Secret Island : Solve More Than 100 Puzzles in This Adventure Story for Kids Aged 7+
When you find out an extinct species lives on a secret island your round the world adventure begins! Explore overgrown jungles, forgotten cities and the depths of the sea. Meet curious creatures and uncover long-lost mysteries in this fun-packed book of puzzles. Solve mazes, word searches, number puzzles and more Find the clues and crack the code to finish the story Will you take on the quest?
Author(s): Hunt, Kia Marie, Collins Kids,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 07/07/2022,
Pagination: 160 pages,
Series: Puzzle Quest,
Imprint: Collins,
Published By: HarperCollins Publishers,
Book Classification: Children's, young adult & educational,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780008532109