Bugsy Malone - Graphic Novel
The story behind the beloved film, Bugsy Malone, leaps off the page in this full colour original comic-strip graphic novel. In Prohibition-era New York City, Fat Sam runs one of the most popular speakeasies in town - but his rival Dandy Dan is trying to shut him down. It's up to the baby-faced Bugsy Malone to save the day...
Packed with thrills and spills (and more than a few custard pies and splurge), this is a mobster story with a twist - the stars are kids! Original graphic novel format with full colour illustrations now available.
Author(s): Parker, Alan,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 05/12/2013,
Pagination: 64 pages,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: HarperCollins,
Published By: HarperCollins Publishers,
Book Classification: Fiction & related items,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780007514847